WU I-YEH | 吳 宜 曄
Never never land, 2019

7-channels video installation

In Wu I-Yeh’s never_never_land, he composed several short verses that are derived from the time and space existed during the internal and external interaction of images he created for this work. Stillness lies in flow and the flow overlaps with stillness; these images are listed in sequences to endow a meaning. Yet the constantly changing sequence is disrupting the narrative itself. The images created by Wu are not rooted in nature or realism but are instead originated from the accumulation of data. The interaction between messages does not stem from natural exchanges in various groups but from the overlapping of routes in coding. While we are re-establishing how they perceive the outside world, we also constitute the possibility of a new understanding of images and verify the phenomenon, experience, senses and meaning brought upon by it. Perhaps those images can only be integrated from the Internet and be given a meaning when they can converge and exist in the same cluster in a specific time and space.


Curator: Wang Han-Fang | 王韓芳

MERCURIAL BOUNDARIES | 即溶生活 @ MoNTUE, Taipei, Taiwan. 4.27-6.23.2019