WU I-YEH | 吳 宜 曄
Segments of violence, 2014


Dimensions variable

Collecting varied forms of violence, even counteraction by means of films, internet video, books and newspaper. There are three segments, each segment is a juxtaposition of two episodes. One is a historical event in Taiwan, the other is a novel or film which somehow corresponds to it


透過網路影片、電影片段、書籍與報紙,採集不同樣貌的暴力形態甚至對抗方式。 總共有三個切片,皆以一則曾經發生在台灣的歷史事件,與一則相呼應的小說或電影並置。


Installation cooperator : Frank Huang / 裝置合作:黃偉倫